KMSpico (2021) FINAL (Activator of Office and Windows 10)
KMSpico is an ideal tool for activating Windows 7/8 and the final version of Office 2010/2013/2016. The activator does not require user action, the entire activation process takes place in the background, run the activator and spend a few minutes checking the activation status of Windows and/or Office.
Important: If you like MS Windows and MS Office, please purchase a legal and genuine program to help test these products, but we recommend that you purchase a legitimate product from the author (M$ Corp). I did it for fun and now I’m done with it. You are working on V10 and Office 2016 with a fresh installation and license agreement. And Mata is fine, goodbye, Heyd, Chao, Aloha, Zegnazh, Doey
Based on open source KMSEmulator mikmik38, kad, jm287, zm0d, CODIKKS4.
Optional recommendations:
– Create exceptions in %ProgramFiles%KMSpico*.eke directory of Antivirus or Defender.
– Requirements: .NET or Windows 8
Windows Vista Business/Enterprise
Windows 7 Professional/Enterprise
All Windows 8 (so far)
Office 2010/2013/2016/2019 (theoretical)
Windows Server 2008/2008R2/2012/2012R2/2016 (in theory)
Change log
– Added support for O365-2016 conversion.
– Fixed a bug with V10 Build 10576.
– Fixed small bugs