GEOSLOPE was developed by GeoStudio, a leading geoengineering software package used in over 100 countries for the past 40 years. Join thousands of engineers, scientists, regulators, professors and students and start using GeoStudio today
GeoStudio continues our journey to a digital twin with improved interoperability between Leapfrog’s geological modeling and GeoStudio’s geotechnical analysis with a variety of new workflows. Immerse yourself in 3D with the new GeoStudio 3D FLOV. 3D FLOV combines all new CTRAN3D and AIR3D analysis with SEEP3D and TEMP3D analysis for more flexibility in environmental modeling.
Seamless integration, unmatched analytics capabilities
GeoStudio’s integrated software package allows you to combine multiple analyzes with different products into a single modeling project.
Use this approach to model construction sequences, determine initial conditions, perform sensitivity analyses, model complex time sequences, or simply decompose complex problems into several smaller, more manageable analyses.
GeoStudio Basic Edition includes the basic functions of SLOPE/V, SEEP/V, SIGMA/V, KUAKE/V, TEMP/V, CTRAN/V, AIR/V and VADOSE/V to solve slope stability and related geotechnical analysis at low cost. GeoStudio Basic is licensed for engineering consulting.
The basic edition is suitable for use in routine engineering practice to analyze problems of limited geometric complexity. It is licensed for technical use and is only available as a perpetual standalone license.
Wide range
Although intended primarily for the stability analysis of natural and artificial soil slopes, you can also use GeoStudio Basic for the analysis of confined and unconfined steady seepage problems, for the analysis of elastic-linear solutions and stress distribution problems, for pollution monitoring in groundwater flows, for analysis of freezing and thawing problems and for 1D analysis of vadose zones and land cover.
Modeling training
A common tendency when using powerful modeling programs is to create numerical models that are too geometrically complex. Geometric complexity is usually not required to obtain meaningful results. In fact, at GEO-SLOPE we strongly advocate that numerical models should be simple abstractions of actual field conditions. The use of these modeling principles makes GeoStudio Basic a very powerful analysis tool for practical use despite its geometric limitations.
Evaluation and upgrade
GeoStudio Basic allows you to evaluate a highly advanced geotechnical software package with minimal investment. Starting with GeoStudio Basic is a good strategy. When you are comfortable using the software and find that your project requires more complex analysis, you can upgrade to the full version. Everything you learn and do with the basic edition will be directly applicable in the full edition. There’s nothing to lose by getting the basic edition first and then buying the full-featured edition.
The included VADOSE/V Basic puts the power in your hands to accurately and reliably solve 1D vadose zone and complex land cover analyses. VADOSE/V Basic contains the same geometry restrictions as the other GeoStudio Basic packages, with the additional restriction thatall elements must be in a 1D column.
easy to use
Determine the problem
Starting the analysis is as easy as defining the geometry by drawing areas and lines that identify the soil layers. Once drawn, you’ll select an analysis method, define soil properties and pore and water pressures, define reinforcement loads, and create your test grinding surface.
Results overview
When the analysis is completed, the results can be viewed in different ways
-View minimum sliding area and safety factor together or view each separately.
-Display information about the critical sliding surface, including total sliding mass, free-body diagrams and force polygons showing the forces acting on each part.
– Summarizing the safety factor, or displaying a diagram of the calculated parameters. Prepare results for your reports by adding labels, axes and images or export results to other applications such as Microsoft Excel for further analysis.
System Requirements
OS: Microsoft Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows, Windows 8, Windows 7 SP1
CPU: Intel Pentium 4 or better, or AMD Opteron or Athlon 64 or better (GeoStudio is optimized for multi-core Intel processors.)
Space: 1 GB hard disk space